
  • Bitget does not charge you any fees if you want to buy cryptocurrency.
  • Service of copying trades for receiving passive income
  • Ability to reduce commissions using credits earned in the bonus program
  • Availability of demo accounts
  • The exchange uses hot and cold cryptocurrency wallets to store client funds.
  • Deposits and withdrawals in fiat currencies are not available.
  • Crypto trading is prone to higher risks.
  • There are no educational materials for novice traders on the exchange website.



About Bitget

Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange that was launched in 2018 and registered in Singapore. Although it offers users both spot trading and derivatives trading, the main focus is on derivatives trading. In the world of cryptocurrency markets, we see that they will take the value of certain types of cryptocurrencies.

Bitget has obtained licenses from several major countries such as the United States, Australia, Canada, and Singapore, meaning that users from these countries are allowed to trade legally.

Just after nearly 1 year of establishment, Bitget has entered the top 30 reputable exchanges in the world. This is a remarkable achievement for a newly launched exchange, a truly impressive figure at a time when there are many exchanges being established.

A new exchange with a hot slogan “Better Trading, Better Life,” Bitget has asserted itself as one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. With a continuous and robust increase in users, the Bitget exchange is becoming more and more popular and known to many traders.

One of the biggest advantages of the Bitget exchange is that it provides a wide range of services. These services include Copy Trading, Futures Trading, Perpetual Contracts, and many others.


  • Bitget does not charge you any fees if you want to buy cryptocurrency.
  • Service of copying trades for receiving passive income
  • Ability to reduce commissions using credits earned in the bonus program
  • Availability of demo accounts
  • The exchange uses hot and cold cryptocurrency wallets to store client funds.
Instructions to register for Bitget exchange

Step 1: Click on the homepage link: https://partner.bitget.com/bg/HHQM8N

The screen will display as follows:

Please choose to register an account by email and it is the fastest and easiest

Step 2: Enter email, Password, enter 2DGS referral code to receive the offer

Then you click Sign up

Step 3: A code will be sent to your registered email address, enter the CODE code and click Complete Registration to complete the account registration process.

What is Bitget Copy Trading?

Copy trading is one of the most popular and widely used functions on the Bitget exchange. To understand what copy trading is, this feature allows professional traders to develop a strategy that you can directly copy, and your trades will follow theirs.

You can execute trades exactly as they do in real-time. The benefit of this is that it helps those who may not have a lot of trading experience, or who don’t have the time to monitor the market closely, to still make trades and profit.

What should you do before starting copy trading?

Discovering and reviewing the copy trading site is the first step that new traders should take before starting to copy trades.

This type of trading can only be beneficial if you choose a professional trader to do the job, who trades based on knowledge, not luck. You can get a better idea of a certain trader by going through their profile and reviewing their trading history.

How to start Bitget copy trading?

Here are some steps you should follow to get started with Bitget copy trading:

Open the official Bitget homepage.
On the top navigation, click commercial copy.
Select the rating item from the list.
Choose a professional trader based on your preferences. Be sure to review the trader’s page and transaction history first.
After choosing a trader, confirm copy trade and proceed with the settings and choose which trading pair for you (BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, BCH/USDT)
Select the contract, follow the mode, and proceed to a unified installation or the corresponding installation (based on the contract). You can then adjust other settings as you wish.
Confirm copy trade information by clicking next.
When there is a profit, 10% of the profit will be given to the trader you follow and as a reward for returning the profit.

Copy trading benefits

Let’s take a look at the two benefits of copy trading and show you a little appreciation of both.

Benefits of Followers
Well-known as a secure and reliable platform, Bitget carefully monitors all traders and their transactions.
Bitget also offers completely transparent data and has hundreds of professional traders that can be chosen by users.
If you follow several different traders simultaneously, it becomes easier to minimize risk and maximize profits.
Followers can adjust their capital allocation by withdrawing their profits and ending their losses whenever they want.

Trader’s benefits
Traders who are part of the Bitget platform receive a 10% share of their followers’ profits on every successful trade.
They also have the opportunity to maximize their profits and build their reputation in the crypto community.

What is Quanto Swap?
Quantum swaps are a unique feature offered only by Bitget. This feature allows users to use various crypto assets that they hold as collateral and then trade on margin with different trading pairs. The main benefit of Quanto is that it can keep your exchange fees on the coin while also allowing you to collect the profits earned through the appreciation of the margin coin.

Let’s say you own ETH and BTC. By using them as collateral, you are allowed to trade on EOS/USD, BTC/USD and ETH/USD. Profit and loss are then calculated and you are rewarded with both BTC and ETH.

How to use the quantum swap contract?
To get started, sign up for Bitget or log in to your account.
If there is no money in your Quantum Swap account, you can use the “Transfer” button to transfer the desired amount.
Next, go to the “Unified Contracts” section and go to the Quantum Swap Trading page.
Choose the trading pair, margin mode, order type and leverage you want.
Enter order quantity and price, then choose your order direction.
Monitor PnL in the “Location” tab.
Finally, to close a position, you should set a limit price. Alternatively, you can also use the Flash close option to close the position without a drop in price.

Cryptos Supported

The list of cryptocurrencies supported on Bitget includes: Adventure Gold Coin, Bitcoin Cash, Cardano Coin, ChainLink Coin, EOS Token, Ethereum Classic, Ethereum, Filecoin, KNCL Token, Litecoin, Polkadot Coin, Ripple, SushiSwap Token , Tether , Tezos , TRON Coin , Uniswap Token , yearn.finance Token and Yield Guild Games Token.

Bitget trading fee

When using Bitget, it is important to separate spot trading from futures trading. The spot trading fee is 0.20% for both takers and makers. This fee can be reduced to 0.14% if you use BFT (Bitget DeFi Token), the native token of the exchange, to pay for the trading fee.

Withdrawal fee from Bitget
Withdrawal fee in Bitget is based on percentage and it is calculated at 0.05%. This is about 0.0006 BTC per BTC withdrawal. Compared to the global industry, Bitget’s fees are a bit higher as the current average is around 0.00057 BTC per BTC withdrawal, according to the latest reports and research.


  • Bitget does not charge you any fees if you want to buy cryptocurrency.
  • Service of copying trades for receiving passive income
  • Ability to reduce commissions using credits earned in the bonus program
  • Availability of demo accounts
  • The exchange uses hot and cold cryptocurrency wallets to store client funds.

Besides allowing you to send digital money on Bitget, the platform also allows users to send fiat currency. However, this can only be done through bank transfer (not with debit or credit cards). Considering the fact that identity-verified deposits are allowed on the platform, Bitget qualifies as a “first-tier exchange”. This means that it is considered an exchange that welcomes new investors who are just starting to enter the cryptocurrency world, adding vitality to the cryptocurrency world and starting their trading journey.

Bitget Exchange Derivatives Trading

Futures trading on the Bitget exchange In essence, derivative instruments play the role of contracts that derive their value from an underlying asset. These assets can be stocks, currencies, exchange rates, commodities, etc. Futures trading involves buying and selling these financial contracts on the stock market and making profits by predicting price fluctuations in the future.

Leverage trading

One of the features provided by Bitget is leverage trading. However, the platform only offers perpetual trading contracts (futures contracts with no expiration date). The maximum leverage is 100x (which means the relevant amount is multiplied by a hundred). Nevertheless, novice cryptocurrency traders should be very cautious when approaching leverage trading. Although this type of trading can lead to significant profits, it can also result in significant losses, especially for inexperienced traders.

Features of Bitget . perpetual contract
Perpetual contracts represent one of Bitget’s main products. Because of this, the platform has put a lot of thought into the development of contracts. Investors have the choice to buy a long-term commitment or sell a short-term contract (this helps them make a profit from the virtual currency). Perpetual contracts work in much the same way as the margin-based spot market. The key feature of the Bitget Perpetual contract is the Funding Cost mechanism that ensures the underlying price index is being tracked.

Although most cryptocurrency traders prefer using desktop computers because of their larger screens, there are also those who use mobile trading. Fortunately for these traders, the Bitget trading platform is also available on mobile applications. The mobile application is very similar to the web application and provides users with almost all the features that the platform offers. The mobile application is available for both iOS and Android users.

Is Bitget Legal?
The short answer to this question would be: Yes. Bitget is legit. The domain was created almost two decades ago, and the site integrates a fully valid HTTPS connection, which means that all information and traffic between the user and the website is encrypted. Substantial traffic makes Bitget one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges, more reason to be sure. Google Safe Browsing does not list Bitget as suspicious and thousands of satisfied traders and followers have nothing but positive feedback for the platform.



24 hour customer support.
Small transaction fees.
Professional traders get 10% profit from their followers after successful trade.
Get licenses from Singapore, Australia, USA and Canada.
Unified contract feature.

Trading risks can be high even if you choose a professional and experienced trader (success is not always guaranteed).
The lack of market and trader research often leads to poor trading results.

frequently asked Questions

How to start Bitget copy trading?
You can initiate copy trading at Bitget by registering on the site and clicking on copy trades. You can then choose a professional trader you want and proceed to confirm the copy trade. Finally, select the contract and follow-up mode that is right for you and confirm the copy trading information.

What is Bitget Copy Trading?
Copy trading is a fairly simple process. After signing up for Bitget, you can find many professional traders and review their trading history. After doing so, you can choose a trader that you think will be profitable for you and start copying trades. Copy trading is essentially “copying” a professional trader’s strategy to maximize your own profits.


What should you do before starting copy trading?

The most important thing you should do before starting copy trading is to look at the profiles of the various traders registered on the platform. Do their best to analyze their trading history, win/loss ratio and general knowledge in crypto trading. It is very important that the decisions of your chosen trader are based on knowledge, not luck.

Above fxaffiliate.net shared some detailed and basic information about Bitget exchange, if you have any questions and need support to trade and make money on Bitget exchange, please leave a comment. below this post!!!

Author Fx Affiliate